Trapped on the 6th floor of a hotel, navigate through a maze of identical corridors. Sharpen your observation skills to spot anomalies guiding your way.
If you see something unusual, turn right; otherwise, go left. Be cautious, as a wrong turn means starting over. And watch out, some anomalies could lead to danger.
Your goal? Reaching the emergency exit, located beyond room 600. Will you find your way out of the endless corridors?
Estimated Play Time
20 to 90 minutes, based on your observation skills and whether you go for all achievements.
Graphics Settings
Graphics settings can be customized in the game menu to suit your computer's capabilities. Select from four presets or customize individual settings to your preference.
Gameplay Settings
The game includes several settings enabled by default that can be disabled or adjusted if desired from the game menu:
Field of View: Adjust the angle of vision for a wider or narrower view.
Headbob / Camera Shake: Enable or disable natural camera movement when walking or running.
Motion Blur: Toggle blurring effects during movement for added visual realism.
Language: Choose between English and Spanish for UI and game elements.