[h1]New features[/h1] [list] [*] The demo has been reactivated and updated [*] The Andarer Hybrid Tank has been added to the game, it can attack both ground and air units but is worse against both unit types than the dedicated units [*] The Redaxh Anti Air Tank has been added to the game, using its quad gun to destroy enemy air units [*] We have added a unit limit, this can be selected in the game settings and should increase performance (unit limit of 100 is recommended) [*] We have revised the firing logic so that all guns now aim slightly ahead to better hit enemy units [/list] [h1]Adjustments[/h1] [list] [*] Shots no longer fly further than the range of the shots [*] Improvements to the calculation of player scores so that they are more meaningful [*] The health points of all units have been increased by approx. 25% so that battles now last longer [*] The Andar interceptor has been degraded so that it is as strong as the Redaxh equivalent [*] We have improved the AI, each AI now builds more workers at the start so that new buildings are built faster. Further AI improvements will follow, see the roadmap [*] The dark fog of war is now the default mode of "2089 - Space Divided", but it can still be disabled [/list] [h1]Bug fixes[/h1] [list] [*] A problem with the selection of a worker by using "." has been fixed [*] If more than 2 different teams are playing, the units are no longer revealed through the fog of war [/list]