We have collected and evaluated your feedback over the last few months. Based on this information, we have created a roadmap which contains upcoming topics. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40790051/3b5e3e1ae031de0056b6f18ea19a4215fd933a6e.jpg[/img] Below is some information about the development status of the game: In the last weeks and months, we intensively worked on the upcoming multiplayer mode, which is the main focus of the upcoming update. We also planned some time for internal testing, but due to the complexity of the game, it is certainly not possible to avoid all errors. Therefore, it would be very helpful for us to have bugs reported early on so that we can fix them promptly. In the course of the year, we will take care of the expansion of the multiplayer, as well as various other improvements around the game. Furthermore, new maps and units will of course be added on a regular basis. Towards the end of the year, our focus will be on improving the performance so that even games with a lot of action run smoothly. New game modes and ingame scenarios are planned for next year. [i]We will publish more detailed information on the individual topics at the given time.[/i]