Whether you’re familiar or not with the loveable ship-girls of Azur Lane, this free opportunity to get a Premium ship in World of Warships is not one to pass up!
After unlocking this DLC, you’ll receive a simple mission. Complete it to get the the “Azur Lane – Dorm” Port, as well as Tier III Soviet cruiser AL Avrora—a representation of the Pallada-class ship-girl of the same name who lends her talents to the Northern Parliament in the universe of Azur Lane.
This package contains:
Combat mission* – Play 5 battles to obtain:
AL Avrora – Tier III Premium Soviet cruiser
A Port slot
A Commander with 3 skill points trained for AL Avrora
*The mission can be completed until 26/27 July, depending on your server.
If you already have this ship in your Port, you will not receive any compensation for her.
This time-limited exclusive DLC is only available between 1 May and 27 June, 2024, and can only be unlocked once with World of Warships game accounts that were created through Steam.
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