Renegades! We're super excited to give you our first major content update! This update unleashes new challenges in the way of Entropy difficulty levels, tracks your run's stats and calculates a score, presents a new renegade called the Dragoon whom you'll have to rescue to unlock, and as always, contains a host of quality of life and balance changes.
This is just the first of many major content updates and if you like this, you'll LOVE what we've got cooking for the upcoming winter holiday update!
Enter the Dragoon Includes...
New Renegade: The Dragoon - his last known location was on Dagan in a Warmonger factory. Track him down and rescue him to recruit him to our cause.
5 New Entropy Levels - Entropy Levels are incremental difficulty levels beyond Extreme meant to raise the difficulty with increasingly challenging mechanics
New scorecard - tracks your stats and provides a score at the end of your run. You'll also be able to view scorecards from previous runs from the Main Menu
New Achievements - for beating Extreme and the Entropy difficulty levels