With the imminent war looming over the Kingdom of Kalbi, King Shogun first deploys the young ninja, Koko, to Zamalon. Koko initially believes her family is sending her away to keep her safe from the upcoming conflict. She will learn many new things about her ancestry and obtain immeasurable power on her quest.
She finds her fierce cat and companion, Muffins, who is stowed away on a ship with her. Follow Koko's point-of-view journey as she grows from an impotent child into a powerful woman.
She was raised and trained as a ninja. With the recent death of her grandmother, she seeks power and strength above all else.
The adorable and loyal cat, Muffins, always seems ahead of the curve. This cat is either a genius or gifted with great luck.
Ronin is a young lumberjack, just slightly older than Koko. He lives mysteriously by himself, deep in the southern forests of Zamalon.
Primm is a mage of legendary renown in Zamalon. Like Ronin, she lives alone, seeking a quiet and peaceful life, which will likely be disturbed by Koko.
Expansive story
Original music by acclaimed musicians
Original pixel art and digital paintings
An innovative experience, calling on classic RPG elements
Multiple playable characters
Permanant class selection
Game+ mode for multiple replays and end-game content
The majority of the game development was broadcasted live on Twitch