
SCP: Fragmented Minds Demo - Detailed Information

SCP: Fragmented Minds Demo
Supported OS Windows
Release Date 15 June 2022
Developers HST Studios LLC
Publishers HST Studios LLC
Sold copies ~ 10,000
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About the Game

You Are Their Last Hope

Nearly one whole year after a global catastrophe, you awaken from cryostasis as one of the last surviving personnel in a massive anomalous research and containment installation known as Site-113. This facility was once home to tens of thousands of research and security personnel and now lays nearly completely abandoned.

This installation once securely housed strange and terrifying creatures and objects that have been sent from Earth for safekeeping -- and many have now escaped and made the outer regions of the facility their new homes.

You will choose to either fight or use cunning and stealth to make your way through the many horrifying creatures and objects that now freely roam throughout the facility while you search for a way to undo the terrible events that have rocked humanity to its very core.

Throughout your journey, you will come across different people and creatures that have the ability to completely change the course of your story, and of history itself. Who you choose to interact with is completely up to you, but be wary of who you trust and why.

SCP: Fragmented Minds is an immersive blend of action and survival horror, that bring together fast-paced combat and stealth with tense but rewarding exploration and terrifying enemy encounters to create a uniquely immersive and replayable experience.

Explore Site-113 and find and create many new and powerful weapons as your make your way to the core of the facility through three distinct and very deadly zones, each with its own unique set of enemies and mechanics that will put your skills to the test.
Game Features:

Under CC-BY-SA 3.0