Build Your Own Guild Choose your guild's name, banner icon, and build your unique base. Develop your defense formation by placing guardian glyph stones and assigning guild members. Each glyph stone summons a specific guardian type to protect your base during guild battles.
Recruit & Manage Guild Members Recruit up to 19 heroes with lots of customization options, including names, appearances, and skills. Loot gathered by guild members will be transferred to the guild storage. Additionally, guild members assist with completing guild quests.
Guild Battle Challenge higher-ranked guilds to battles to increase your guild's standing. There are nine other guilds in total. Achieving a higher guild rank will yield better battle and quest rewards. Lower-ranked guilds may attempt to reclaim their position by attacking your base from time to time.
Stealing Monster Attributes Become stronger by defeating monsters and stealing their attributes. Experience leveling is irrelevant in this game. With the right strategy and a bit of luck, you and your guild members can attain maximum attributes without excessive grinding.
Trading You can trade monster loot with wandering heroes in town. These heroes possess star ratings ranging from one to five stars. Completing trades with a higher star rating will yield greater profits.
PK Heroes Feeling frustrated? Simply PK any other guild members you encounter along your path! But make sure to compare your attributes and skills before attacking to avoid embarrassment!