Experience the rugged, mythical beauty of the Emerald Isle. Relax at the Cliffs of Moher, near quiet lakes or powerful waterfalls. Reduce stress & anxiety and increase motivation with these immersive 360° video experiences.
Full controller supportNative Steam Controller Support
MovieShort360 Video
Although the Sphaeres VR Experiences are intended to be calming and relaxing, some people may experience discomfort due to the nature of immersive Virtual Reality and 360 degree videos. Should you experience any discomfort we recommend taking off your VR headset immediately and to sit or lie down until your discomfort has passed. We take no responsibility for any injuries, accidents or discomforts caused during or after watching our 360 degree VR video experiences. You watch 360 VR video experiences entirely at your own risk and we recommend that you closely familiarise yourself with the risk of using VR headsets before use and that you closely read and follow the manufacturer's guidelines of your particular VR headset.