[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32296087/ed9021923e334aa616309d85ffe41f1a73701837.gif[/img] Hello, Death Warriors! Today is a big day! Death Crown is three years old! Death Crown was our first game and holds a special place in our hearts. We are very pleased that you are with us all this time and support our game and us. I am very proud of our game and its community! Thank you so much, Death Warriors! And now for the news! In honor of such a momentous occasion, we've decided to do something that many have thought about, sometimes even asked about. Of course, it's Death Crown t-shirts! prints if the campaign is successful! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32296087/a23eeff7bfcc6bd07877d944cb3ae0cb31836655.png[/img] We used a service to print and distribute the t-shirts: https://everpress.com/death-crown The service has great reviews and excellent printing quality! Four types of t-shirt styles in two colors each! To get a t-shirt you need to pre-order a t-shirt on the website, wait for the end of the campaign, and get the package. The campaign will last one month. There will be no more t-shirts with this print. But we will make other And we have more great news! Three years is a long time. In three years we've managed to release two DLCs for Death Crown, as well as a lot of big and not-so-big updates. But you may have noticed that updates haven't been released for a while, and there's an explanation for that. We have been working on a new game! [previewyoutube=Qcp2-a5gxzM;full][/previewyoutube] We decided to try our hand at a new genre on a completely different engine and in a completely different style! We present our new game [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1532460/The_Fridge_is_Red/]The Fridge Is Red[/url]! It's a PSX-style horror game, and it's coming out on September 27th! Honestly, I don't know how many fans of Death Crown there are of retro horror games, but I hope that you are interested in me :) Oh yeah, there's a little update in the game, a battle with a demonic red(!) fridge! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32296087/ec820c523cb17edb6c6c2e75f1aa3c11272b06e3.gif[/img]