[img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/6138946/b7be70889b5cab375671414d5fcaa4a5f54822ce.gif[/img] Indie game publisher Meridian4 is proud to announce the upcoming release of [b]Jumphobia: Homeward Bound[/b], a side-scroller platformer created by indie developer Wix Games. Scheduled for official release in Q1 2022, [b]Jumphobia: Homeward Bound[/b] is a fast-paced platformer with no jump button! [img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/6138946/61d7c7cb0ede4e0f0ab9a1c7322974d3452c5bc8.png[/img] [b]Jumphobia: Homeward Bound[/b] is a game built around the premise of getting from "A" to "B" by jumping - but not when you want to! All Jump-bots are built with a failsafe to limit their maneuverability, meaning that you as the player can only automatically jump when you reach the edge of a drop or platform. That's right - it's a platforming game without a jump button! [img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/6138946/3c2b38efa1d16cb2479e571a473657742ce69ae5.png[/img] Artist statement: The concept for the original Jumphobia game was to try and see if a platform could still be fun without a jump button. It’s the most important element to almost every platformer - so what would happen if it isn’t there? The result was a game where you have to think about everything differently. The difficulty no longer comes from pressing jump at the right time in order to clear the gap, it’s now a question of which gap is the right one to clear - or how can I make it past this obstacle without the freedom to jump whenever I want? The original game was built for a large variety of platforms including the web, so simple graphics and small file size were a necessity. With this new game, we want to really up the quality and push the concept to its limits, with a much higher level count, new lighting systems and 3D graphics, and a fully-fledged story with 3D cutscenes. I started making games as a 13-year-old working from my bedroom, a year later I released my first popular web game Duck Life and created Wix Games the year after in 2010. Since then we’ve had a number of hits and grown to a full-time team of 3. [img]https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/6138946/e564a9feb5d089721515e0181e31d1be1f7a5380.png[/img] Don't miss the launch discount! Wishlist your copy of [b]Jumphobia: Homeward Bound[/b] today. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1781380