Hi to all, So here we have a huge update. I took a lot of work and did a lot of things. Airdrop works on all maps. I have done Looting crates and they are spread out on the map Battle Royale. The Battle Royale map is half done. All the doors to the houses are open. I was spreading Loot on the map. There are zombies here and there. Shopping center including safe zone. On the Battle Royale map: Mining of trees and stone. Look for farms and fields. I sowed there. Elsewhere trees on felling and collecting stones are not. Blueberries and leaves can also be found in fields and farms. All cars have storage space. Watch out for "Fiat" Sometimes you can't get out - I'm solving it. It is better to stand still and then get out of the car. Not in motion etc. Improved crafting. Field Fence : Increased space for no building. Improved map shrinking system - Random position :) I made a CompassBar and a MiniMap Enjoy multiplayer and have fun! FussyCraft