Latest news
Author: -=NE=-,
published 1 week ago,
Dear users, we have some news and want to share them with you.
[*] We still are working on the main server set up. Most features work and we will be able to release new model next week!
[*] We transfer accounts from the second server to the main (which is more powerful now).
Transfer procedure causes a small amount of accounts to be lost. It is 0.5 % but from 300 000 accounts it will be noticeable. Please, be patient. We will restore all accounts next week. You may contact us on Steam, Discord or via email.
[*] You can notice that in the game there is a counter for the next model release. It will be MAS-38 and for all who have Early Access they can check it in the game already.
You may get Early Access on the [url=]Patreon[/url]