[i](This patch note has been translated automatically. If you feel there is any problem, feel free to inform me using the discussion sections).[/i] [list] [*]Fixed: The transition between the end of a game round and the score display has been standardized, regardless of the game configuration. [*]Fixed: The fair-play mode applicable to viewers is now correctly ignored when the remaining time is less than the fair-play mode duration. [*]Fixed: The ban list and the fair-play player list are now correctly saved. [*]Fixed: The French dictionary was almost always selected instead of the dictionary defined in the settings. Now, the dictionary set in the settings will always be used. [/list] [list] [*]Added: A very simple short tutorial has been added. It appears only once, on the first launch of the game. [*]Added: New [X] button to easily close the game, even in full-screen mode. [/list] [list] [*]Changed: The game now launches in full-screen mode by default. [*]Changed: Added a white halo effect around the characters of some labels to improve readability. [*]Changed: The game now embeds .Net 6 directly. This should eliminate the need for the player to download and install .Net 6. [*]Changed: The game initialization process has been improved, especially for language selection. [*]Changed: Updated translations generated by ChatGPT and provided with the game. [/list]