[h1]Introducing the Most [strike]Tempermental[/strike] Judgemental Wild Bastard: Judge[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44771598/d8ac6bf7c829523bb705cabd37ab6ef40682734e.png[/img] [i]All the fun of capital punishment without the boring trial![/i] [h2]Howdy y'all[/h2] Saddle up pardner! It's time to make like a rodeo and scream yeehaw for no apparent reason. YeeeeeEEEEeeeehaw!! Today, we've got a breakdown of the most mood-swingin' Bastard, Judge. What he lacks in basic human empathy, he makes up for with a cool gun. [h1]Bio:[/h1] "The Judge" Justice Unit 939 served as a model Justice of the peace for over 50 years. He was so strict in his adherence to the law that he sentenced his own wife and son to disassembly for breaking robot curfew. Overcome with grief, he fled to the frontier, where he earns a living killing human authority figures. [h1]Weapon: Sniper Rifle[/h1] [previewyoutube=VFIcJJAWtq8;full][/previewyoutube] [b]Damage:[/b] High [b]Range:[/b] Long [b]Rate of Fire:[/b] Low [b]Ammo Capacity:[/b] Extremely Low [b]Special Notes:[/b] Upon getting three headshots, your next shot will automatically do crit damage. Judge's Sniper Rifle is all about clicking heads. You can hipfire with absolute precision or use the zoom to make sure your shots are lined up. Either way, each headshot rewards you with a tic, where if you get 3 headshots, you'll automatically do massive damage on your next shot. However, due to Judge's poor stock rate of fire and ammo capacity, he suffers greatly from poor crowd control. He can deal with single enemies up close, but missing your shot will keep you toothless for a long time while you reload. The judicial system always had its gaping flaws, and this bot is no different. [h1]Stunt: Judgement Time[/h1] [previewyoutube=MjohTYadcVY;full][/previewyoutube] Judgement Time gives you Keanu powers for 10 seconds by slowing down the world around you, allowing you to shoot and reload in real time while your enemies struggle to even turn. Use this whenever you're in a critical situation being surrounded by enemies or at low health. You'll learn how to instantly dodge bullets and know Gun-Fu in an instant. [h1]Xtra Bastard Goodness[/h1] [previewyoutube=XBVFAAzOj5s;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=Cjbs1sWfjxA;full][/previewyoutube] [h1]In Conclusion[/h1] Judge is a nasty powerhouse who will take down almost every type of common enemy before they even realize their being hunted. However, once they close in on you-- you'll need to use stocked up Stunts or switch to a shorter range Bastard (like Smoky) to enforce some crowd control. Judge's shortcomings can be somewhat mitigated with certain mods, but we'll have more on that later. Be sure to wishlist our game for more updates soon! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1660840/Wild_Bastards/ See you next time, when we go through Hopalong-- the snake-like creature with an affinity for roping up his enemies. [h2]Until next time gunslinger![/h2]