[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31382118/bd49918e055e4312e01c358a7e13cd49c6c3fa40.png[/img] Hey! Is it Winter sale already? It seems like Autumn sale was only yesterday... Ah well, time flies (and in case of year 2020, it could fly even faster, we don't mind)! Anyway, you know why it's the best time to buy [b]while True: learn()[/b] now? Because [b]we'll raise up the game's price in 2021[/b]! If the game's still on your wishlist, don't leave it hanging! And if you're looking for a (well thought through) last minute gift for any of your friends on Steam, why not gift them a marvelous game about cats and machine learning? Whatever you pick for this glorious sale, we wish you have plenty of time to kick back and enjoy some games these days! We have all deserved it. Happy Holidays, everyone! [h1]------------------------------[/h1] [h2]Meanwhile on Mars...[/h2] [url=https://discord.gg/xgvYqWf][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31382118/7b279c517f81273e54c0750482271479c405fb71.png[/img][/url] This week KOTOVOD workers are celebrating the introduction of a new, improved version of Linear Regression machine - Polynomial Regression is reporting for duty to predict optimal prices for the best cat goods even better! This phenomenal piece of news attracted fancy-looking cats to the Factory's stores. Unfortunately, the coolness levels of these cats, combined, caused distortions in the field of visibility, effectively rendering their fancy hats, canes and monocles invisible to human's eye. But our technicians are already working on ways to fixing this unfortunate physical effect. Please stay tuned for further updates! Check out our machine learning models, improved and updated to serve the feline race in [b]Learning Factory[/b] free Alpha: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1150090/Learning_Factory/