[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31382118/5861c30f6beae7bed6d396b3797c2a8f4c4e5c7e.jpg[/img] The new update is here! What a glorious time to be alive! Now, this one might not look to fancy on the surface, but it's quite mighty! The list of improvements includes, but is not limited to: [list] [*] A spectacular amount of bug fixes [*] An impressive optimization done: the game runs smoother than ever before [*] Another round of clearing out typos in the texts [*] Improved tutorials, especially on the tricky parts, such as using custom nodes [*] Certain quests were slightly rebalanced [*] Interface was tweaked as well [*] Last but not least: a new mode for visually challenged players. Blocks are bigger and interacting with them is way easier, once you turn it on [/list] That's one step closer to perfection! Per aspera ad astra and all that! Let us know, how this update works for you! [h1]--------------------------------[/h1] [h1]The latest blog post[/h1] [url=https://blog.luden.io/while-true-learn-release-or-the-story-about-1-year-of-weekly-updates-machine-learning-and-cats-4ad1884e5d8e]Release or The Story About 1 Year of Weekly Updates, Machine Learning and Cats[/url] [url=https://blog.luden.io/while-true-learn-release-or-the-story-about-1-year-of-weekly-updates-machine-learning-and-cats-4ad1884e5d8e][img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31382118/25c12b7b1794d279416e673b25db5df8cca41698.jpg[/img][/url] [h1]Links for our best friends ❤️[/h1] Get to know how you can help us develop the game blog.luden.io/our-plans-or-how-to-get-more-involved-561ebad5e376 We do not have any secrets from our players, here you can see our public roadmap (where you can vote and leave your comments) trello.com/b/MNIKsP2V/while-true-learn-roadmap Community localisation crowdin.com/project/while-true-learn/invite?d=85n6j4453507d5b35353f3m4a3 Ask for help, help others and report bugs in [url=https://discord.gg/W8KhjSf]Discord[/url] [url=https://twitter.com/whiletruegame/]Twitter[/url] [url=https://www.facebook.com/whiletruegame/]Facebook[/url] [url=https://blog.luden.io/learn-more-about-machine-learning-af496865ae6]All in-game machine learning materials, links and videos ONLINE[/url] [h1]If you love the game spread the word[/h1] We will become full of joy if you ask your favorite YouTube / Twitch creators to play our game, just share these links with them: www.keymailer.co/g/games/53096 woovit.info/while-true-learn [h1]Our new project[/h1] [url=https://rewire.education?utm_source=wtl_steam_post_footer]Rewire.Education[/url] project for kids with autism spectrum disorder.