[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31382118/a3dd1253a598dded6485ab5bef5dc10ddcd9195b.jpg[/img] Hi folks! What a crazy time ha? It might be the best time to learn something new! And who the hell said that education has to be boring and not using games with cats on Nintendo Switch, PC, iPhone, or iPad? We do have amazing news. From Tuesday, May 5th to May 12th you can save tons of money on more than 150 indie games from the hundreds of developers who have worked with Indie Mega Booth over the last 9 years. Indie Mega Booth is an amazing community built by super lovely people who gave a chance to a lot of super talented developers to showcase their projects on huge events like PAX and GDC. We are at Luden.io are extremely thankful to the team of Indie Mega Booth and will support them as hard as we can during this lockdown and after. [url=https://indiemegabooth.com/imb-going-away-for-now-sale-game-list/]Read the original announcement[/url]. Also, you can listen to [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuYo0Jn10uY]this podcast from the Indie Mega Booth[/url] team about Building Bridges & Breaking Barriers from PAX WEST 2019. We also have some friends'n'family only news about the upcoming announcements from us, please don't hesitate to join out Experiments channel in Discord: https://discord.gg/W8KhjSf. (If you are in love with Factorio and Rimworld games I recommend to do it immediately). Take care folks and stay healthy! [h1]--------------------------------[/h1] [h1]The latest blog post[/h1] [url=https://blog.luden.io/educational-video-games-against-covid-19-f1de0afe7388]Edu video games went free against COVID-19[/url] [url=https://blog.luden.io/educational-video-games-against-covid-19-f1de0afe7388][img]https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/1*nlb2poKkpeJO65JJO3ROlA.png[/img][/url] [h1]Links for our best friends ❤️[/h1] Get to know how you can help us develop the game blog.luden.io/our-plans-or-how-to-get-more-involved-561ebad5e376 We do not have any secrets from our players, here you can see our public roadmap (where you can vote and leave your comments) trello.com/b/MNIKsP2V/while-true-learn-roadmap Community localisation crowdin.com/project/while-true-learn/invite?d=85n6j4453507d5b35353f3m4a3 Ask for help, help others and report bugs in [url=https://discord.gg/W8KhjSf]Discord[/url] [url=https://twitter.com/whiletruegame/]Twitter[/url] [url=https://www.facebook.com/whiletruegame/]Facebook[/url] [url=https://blog.luden.io/learn-more-about-machine-learning-af496865ae6]All in-game machine learning materials, links and videos ONLINE[/url] [h1]If you love the game spread the word[/h1] We will become full of joy if you ask your favorite YouTube / Twitch creators to play our game, just share these links with them: www.keymailer.co/g/games/53096 woovit.info/while-true-learn [h1]Our new project[/h1] [url=https://rewire.education?utm_source=wtl_steam_post_footer]Rewire.Education[/url] project for kids with autism spectrum disorder.