Hello dear car-noisseurs! 🚖 This is a PSA that our Early [strike]Bird [/strike]Car price ends on October 9th. After that, the price of WHAT THE CAR? will be 19.99 USD. 🍌 That means you still have TWO WEEKS to snag it at the low price of 9.99 USD 🍌 [b]Q: Will it be on sale later?[/b] [b]A:[/b] Yes, probably. [b]Q: Why are you increasing the price?[/b] [b]A: [/b]Our launch price was an “Early Bird” pricing where the first people who picked it up (potentially still you if you’re reading this right now!) got a chance to grab it at a lower price. We’ve gotten some feedback with people questioning whether there was less stuff in WTC? than our first game WTG? due to the price difference, which is contradictory since there’s more stuff in WTC? The price change is going to reflect the value of the game a lot better 🧡 [b]Q: Will you sell any physical copies? [/b] A: No, but you can go outside and look at a real copy of a car (no legs though, sadge). [b]Q: But it’s my birthday on the 9th..?[/b] [b]A:[/b] It’s actually my birthday. Hand over your presents. Gimme. [h2]WHAT’S NEXT?[/h2] ⏰ Come by Steam every Thursday for weekly new content! ✨In the Specials Elevator, found in the main room to the left, you can scroll through and try out these Events as they unlock. Here’s a little preview of what’s coming 👀: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44892499/1dd43d7a3e9460cd6ad80053ca8aea2439ff7f04.gif[/img] [h3]Also Events like:[/h3] [list] [*] A-Maze-Ing Week [*] Oops All Boosters [*] Community Spotlight [/list] And more to come! 🚀🐄🌌 Let me know if you have any questions! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK, Sarah (birthday-girl on the 9th of October // Community Manager)