[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45067571/a52cc0763901d6e9c75feef3712a43ab30c0a578.png[/img] Welcome to Dustown is pleased to present its first update. Many things have been added, modified and corrected. Enjoy :) Additions : [list] [*] Single-player mode available(just launch alone a private session) [*] Audio volume settings [*] Joystick compatibility [*] Sensitivity settings [/list] Changes : [list] [*] Default movement with WASD keys [/list] Fixes: [list] [*] Fixed a bug where the generator was no longer connected to the electrical system (levers and fuses, street lamps still need work). [*] Fixed a bug where AI was patrolling the padlock area and could kill players through the fence. [*] Fixed a bug where during death, mapping controls no longer took previous modifications into account. [*] Voice Chat volume [/list] We're still trying to fix bugs, add features, etc... but you know, August rhymes with vacacion so I hope you're resting if you're on vacation, we're doing our best to bring you a good experience as fast as we can. Onze 8 Degrés.