Howdy, West again. Whilst tackling some more FPS problems I've been doing some other fixes and nonsense on the side. As always, keep me up to date on bugs on my twitter DMs (@westthewerst) or my email ( May not respond, but I read everything! Patch Notes: [list] [*] Enabled Steam Cloud Support [*] Fixed issues surrounding unable to connect to code-only lobbies that were too far away. [*] Added “Griefable” option, which when turned off disables being punched/affected by other players. [*] Added Greenscreen Prop in the Dock Shop. Requires Camp Tier 1. [*] Fixed bug being able to fail and succeed at a fishing minigame at the same time [*] Fixed issues where you could create a save and not have anything unlocked. [*] Fixed players being able to have BBCode tags in their names. (I see how much you guys like colored names though. noted.) [*] Journal now autoscrolls fish info slightly. [*] Lobby Browser’s search will time out after a period, preventing issues. [*] Handful of addtional typos. [*] Minor FPS work, still investigating and diagnosing. [*] Fixed resolution resetting on launch occasionally. [/list] Anyhow anywho, make sure you update and lemme know how everything goes! Keep on fishin', webfishers.