We are incredibly relieved to announce that our various server related issues have been addressed allowing players to play almost instantly with essentially no queue! The team has been working non-stop this past week to address the #1 player concern - Server stability and queue wait times. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43315175/d1272d423d894fe75696bbec039aa9b0db3ca58c.jpg[/img] While we continue to make various network optimizations behind the scenes, we are excited to start turning our focus to the main goal of our Early Access period, making improvement to the game, its systems, player balance and bug squashing. If you tried to play Wayfinder earlier this week and were discouraged by lengthy queues and connectivity issues, we humbly invite you back. The player compensation packages will be announced next week. This will be granted to all players who had previously played the game whether you had no issue getting into the game or left due to a long queue or server problem. To everyone who has had a chance to get significant game time, we are incredibly grateful for all the kind words of support, positive reviews for the game, and especially thankful to those who have updated their Steam reviews now that the problems have been addressed. We are ready to get this journey started with a solid foundation under our feet and assure you Wayfinder is here to stay. We cant wait to see all of the faces of returning and new players into the world of Evenor, and as always, we are humble and grateful for your insane level of support.