Hello Wayfinders and Happy New Year! The team is back and recharged from the holidays, and we are ready to introduce the next set of features into Wayfinder! We discussed at the end of last year having more meaningful updates faster, and this is the first real test of that adjusted philosophy where we are releasing content a little earlier than “done” so we can solicit feedback before fully releasing it. The goal of working alongside all of our players remains the same: Make sure things are both functioning as well as fun and rewarding. Going forward, we’ll be calling these events/features in this state “Previews.” [h2][b]The Job Board Preview is LIVE![/b] [/h2] The goal of the Job Board Preview is to provide players with another source of XP for the player’s Wayfinder and Weapon, as well as their Reward Tower. It’s also a place where you can get some memory fragments, gloomstone shards, dyes, cosmetics, and more! Do you find jobs fun? Do you have ideas for jobs? Did you find a bug associated with the board or the rewards? There will be a [url=https://jobboardpreview.featureupvote.com]dedicated Feature Upvote Board[/url] specifically for answering these questions and posting whatever other feedback associated with the Job Board during this preview. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43315175/ceea1ae81db684815298c7fc2bb1c5baa6f82cf1.png[/img] [i]NOTE: As we have previously mentioned, this was the most efficient and direct path towards earning Reward Tower keys, and as such, we have also adjusted Reward Tower XP rates down slightly and will be monitoring them in the short and long term. [/i] We are excited for players to jump in today, tackle some of these jobs to help out the citizens of Skylight and share with us what you think at [url=https://jobboardpreview.featureupvote.com/]https://jobboardpreview.featureupvote.com/[/url] ! [h2][b]Q1 Roadmap[/b] [/h2] As we discussed last year, we have a big year planned for 2024. [url=https://trello.com/b/RgnuBh4m/wayfinder-roadmap]We recently updated our public facing roadmap. [/url] We also discussed a lot of these systems, as well as introduced you to faces behind the Discord names you see on our final 2023 dev stream we had last month. If you haven’t seen that yet you can [url=https://youtube.com/live/yfSZa6doVGo?feature=share]view it here. [/url] While things are always subject to change since game dev is hard and always shifting, we are currently on track to deliver the following in Q1 of 2024. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43315175/ce2ffafe456a7795bbc3f0bee91e0fbecdd03ad9.png[/img] [h3]Job Board [/h3]The foundation version of this system introduces daily and weekly rewards for players. Rewards include Gloomstone Shards, Memory Fragments, Reward Tower XP and in the future; exclusive items and cosmetics! [h3]Armory Rank[/h3] Armory Ranks are a new form of progression. When you level a weapon to 30, you’ll gain an armory rank. At certain ranks you can expect to gain bonuses such as base weapon stat Increases or weapon echo capacity. You can also unlock additional tempers granting more echo sockets. The max Armory Rank for now will be 20. [h3]Archetype System [/h3]When implemented, the Archetype Accolade track will have you earning bonuses such as increased max equipment level, affinity points, and archetype specific passives as you play with various Wayfinders. The second version of this will be the Archetype Talent Tree which will include branching paths and choices for players to really customize their Wayfinder + playstyle. [h3]Mythic Hunts [/h3]They may be the fights you know and have memorized, but they will be designed to present an extreme challenge for players and in return have drastically increased accessory and crafting component drop rates, Mythic Rush echo variants, new accessory sets and Black Gloomstone drops to use alongside the increased Affinity Cap. Mythic Hunt Bounties will also be introduced which upon completion, guarantee an Essence or Vestige for Awakening levels 4 + 5. [h3]Frostmarch Expansion [/h3]Our first new open world zone since launch will be 2x the size of the current Highlands. Here you’ll find POIs that contain challenges, quests, events, world bosses and even some secrets... [h3]Mounts[/h3] We can’t introduce a massive new zone without making it a breeze to travel around can me?! Mounts will allow you to traverse Skylight and open world areas with ease with Founder’s finally getting to show off their Highlands Strider! [h3]Grendel + New Reward Tower [/h3]Grendel as well as his associated Reward Tower will be smashing their way into Evenor. All players who purchased a founder’s pack with the FS2 Reward Tower will be getting Grendel and his tower! All of these systems will culminate in the ultimate challenge - [b]our 1st 6 player Raid.[/b] The Raid will launch early in Q2 to allow Wayfinders to gear up and prepare themselves and their squad. We're incredibly excited about this challenging end-game content we’re designing so stay tuned for more info as we get closer! In between these large releases we will continue to focus on hotfixing the game to improve performance + server optimizations, balance, bug fixes and more. 2024 is the year we see our original vision for Wayfinder coming to reality. We’re incredibly excited about the future and as always thanks for playing and being a part of this growing and awesome community! [h2]Patch Notes[/h2] [b]Daily and Weekly Jobs are now available in Skylight [/b][list] [*] Upon completing the main quest “Bad Omens” you will receive the Priority quest “No Better Friend” to unlock Jobs! Complete this priority quest to gain access to the Job system! [*] The Job Board is available in Skylight near the Great Lift and behind Lord Halar’s Hut [*] You can also find a Job Board in Lower Skylight and and in Deepwood Holt. [*] All boards contain the same quests. [/list] [b]Performance [/b] [list] [*] Mouse smoothing is now OFF by default resulting in a smoother gameplay experience in the event of sudden frame drops. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where the Gloom Collapse mutator wouldn’t start correctly [*] Fixed a crash in the Mines during the “Bond of Blood” quest [*] Fixed an issue where Signal Fires could appear inactive in the Highlands on the map [*] Pages for “Restoring the Archive” will now spawn when using Greed or Solar mutators [*] Reduced the frequency of the Farseer beam attack [*] Fixed an issue where max gear level would display as 1 after changing echoes [*] Radiant Dawn weapon ability will now properly refresh instead of stacking [/list]