Hail Commanders! As part of our [url=https://www.youtube.com/live/8bdjC6w_IM4?si=0LViLtPSw4jIgkGo]latest livestream[/url] we delved deeper still into the Realm of Beasts, to shine a spotlight on the improvements made to Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin, [url=https://www.aosrealmsofruin.com/news/open-beta-next-steps]following the Open Beta back in July[/url]. [previewyoutube=-jndEoLYYzs;full][/previewyoutube] Meet Piers Jackson, Game Director for Realms of Ruin as he talks through the improvements since Beta with more information and examples. [b]WARHAMMER AGE OF SIGMAR: REALMS OF RUIN LAUNCHES 17 NOVEMBER 2023![/b] Take heed and pre-order NOW to reap a selection of exclusive rewards along with up to 3 days early access, as offered in our Ultimate and Deluxe Editions. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1844380/Warhammer_Age_of_Sigmar_Realms_of_Ruin/ Join the conversation and keep up to date with all the latest news, events and giveaways on... Twitter - [url=www.twitter.com/RealmsOfRuin]www.twitter.com/RealmsOfRuin[/url] Facebook - [url=www.facebook.com/PlayRealmsOfRuin]www.facebook.com/PlayRealmsOfRuin[/url] Instagram - [url=www.instagram.com/RealmsOfRuin]www.instagram.com/RealmsOfRuin[/url] Discord - [url=https://discord.gg/RealmsofRuin]https://discord.gg/RealmsofRuin[/url]