[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/9a6bdf70a892123b7c7274f8db99087850d015a7.png[/img] [h1]Hello Everyone,[/h1] Ahead of our next update Unlocked and Loaded, we wanted to share these patch notes related to balancing for Weapons, Blessings and Classes within Darktide. The purpose is to give players a sneak peak at what to expect, as well as to receive feedback on what we’ve prepared. [b]Important Note: These are not the complete patch notes for the upcoming update, Unlocked and Loaded. We’ll have more to share on the release date, September 26. This is to simply give players a look ahead at the balancing![/b] [i]Depending on player feedback, we’ll be able to tweak values for the changes below. If there are any larger reworks requested, we’ll likely be unable to make those changes before the update. However, we’ll be able to revert anything that feels out of place / doesn’t feel right for players and remove it from this patch.[/i] So, grab some tea or coffee and give this a read. Let us know what you think! We’ll be reading the comments. There are 28 pages of notes here, so we’ll need to do a part one and part two. [b]This is Pt.2! [/b] [url=https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/unlocked-and-loaded-weapon-blessing-and-class-changes-balancing-patch-notes-pt-1/98480]Please check out Pt. 1 here.[/url] [b]Important Note: These are not the complete patch notes for the upcoming update, Unlocked and Loaded. We’ll have more to share on the release date, September 26. This is to simply give players a look ahead at the balancing![/b] [i]Depending on player feedback, we’ll be able to tweak values for the changes below. If there are any larger reworks requested, we’ll likely be unable to make those changes before the update. However, we’ll be able to revert anything that feels out of place / doesn’t feel right for players and remove it from this patch. [/i] So, grab some tea or coffee and give this a read. Let us know what you think! We’ll be reading the comments. [h2]Ogryn[/h2] [h2]Ogryn Talent Updates[/h2] [b]No Pushover[/b][list][*]Reworked. New Description:[list][*]Your Pushes have +250% Stagger. Can only trigger once every 8s.[/*][/list][/*][/list][b]Dev Note: [/b][i]The Old ‘No Pushover’ was frankly not up to par. Maybe this spices things up a bit?[/i] [b]Big Boom[/b][list][*]Explosion Radius: 22.5% to 27.5%.[/*][/list][b]Reloaded and Ready[/b][list][*]Ranged Damage: 12% to 15%.[/*][*]Duration: 6s to 8s.[/*][/list][b]Bruiser[/b][list][*]Combat Ability Cooldown: 5% to 4%.[/*][/list][b]Massacre[/b][list][*]Duration: 6s to 10s.[/*][/list][b]Steady Grip[/b][list][*]Toughness: 3-5% toughness regeneration per second.[/*][/list][b]Delight in Destruction[/b][list][*]Damage Resistance per Stack: 10% to 8%.[/*][/list][b]Too Stubborn to Die[/b][list][*]Health Threshold: 25% to 33%.[/*][/list][h2]Ogryn Talent Tree Updates[/h2][list][*]Swapped places of Toughness Damage Reduction Operative Modifier, and Suppression Boost Operative Modifier, on the Bottom Right part of the Tree.[/*][/list][b]Thick of the Fray[/b][list][*]Removed. It is now included in Point-Blank Barrage per default.[/*][/list][h2]Additional Miscellaneous Talent Changes[/h2][list][*]Fixed an issue where the Zealot class base Aura “The Emperor’s Will” remained active after selecting the “Loner” Aura talent.[/*][*]Fixed an issue where an additional stack of the Psyker “True Aim” talent was gained when inflicting stagger to an enemy during the cast of “Brain Rupture”.[/*][/list][b]Dev Note:[/b] [i]A stack of the talent will still be gained when completing the cast.[/i] [list][*]Changed the Psyker “Mettle” talent to only receive a maximum of 1 stack for each Critical attack, regardless of the amount of enemies hit by the attack.[/*][/list][h2]Extended Availability of Weapon Families for Human Classes[/h2] As part of this update, we will extend the availability of specific weapon families to all human classes (Veteran, Zealot, Psyker). These weapons were previously locked to only one or two of the three classes, but will now be usable by all of them. However, we made sure that the weapons that are key to the identity of each class will remain uniquely available to that class. We hope that this will expand the gameplay experience and open up new interesting builds for players! [b]Detailed list:[/b][list][*][b]Turtolsky Heavy Swords[/b][list][*]added also to Veteran and Psyker[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Maccabian Duelling Swords[/b][list][*]added also to Veteran and Zealot[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Orestes Assault Chainaxes[/b][list][*]added also to Psyker[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Braced Autoguns[/b][list][*]added also to Psyker[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Accatran Recon Lasguns[/b][list][*]added also to Zealot[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Combat Shotguns[/b][list][*]added also to Psyker[/*][/list][/*][/list] [b]This is Pt.2! [/b] [url=https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/unlocked-and-loaded-weapon-blessing-and-class-changes-balancing-patch-notes-pt-1/98480][b]Please check out Pt. 1 here.[/b][/url] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/a65c70af1027202631df9d22270d8a366b72f32d.png[/img]