[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/b7392c313fea97398ea2feda9bdf4be9a21a30ee.png[/img] [h1]Devoted Rejects,[/h1] Hotfix #41 (1.4.1) is now live on Steam and it will shortly be live on our other platforms. [list] [*] Fixed a server crash which could happen when updating player stats if any stat reached a very high value. [*] Fixed a server crash which could happen if an Ogryn with the “Feel No Pain” talent equipped was hit by a projectile which was about to be destroyed. [*] Fixed an issue where the Branx Pickaxe attack startup animations would be incorrect if starting an attack immediately after interrupting a Special attack by sprinting. [*] Fixed an issue where the Antax Mk V Combat Axe was playable but showed incorrect stats. [*] Fixed the following in the new mission Clandestium Gloriana: [list] [*] Fixed an issue where the backdrop would be incorrect when setting the volumetric quality settings to Low in the new mission. [*] Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in the doors of the horizontal elevator as they were closing. [*] Fixed an issue where players could walk behind the horizontal elevator gantry and fall through the map. [/list][*] Fixed an issue related to triggering VO which caused banter to happen less frequently than intended. [*] Fixed an issue where subtitles in the Mourningstar could overlap during the Path of Trust cinematics. [*] Fixed inconsistencies for spelling for Ogryns Pickaxes. [*] Fixed an issue where the description of the “Torment” Pickaxe blessing would appear in undefined text in languages other than English. [*] Fixed an issue where the wrong inspect animations played for Ogryn Pickaxe in third person. [*] Fixed an issue where the second line of Zola’s intro for The Orthus Offensive special assignment was not playing. [*] Fixed an issue where Zola’s VO lines are over the radio in The Orthus Offensive special assignment menu. [*] Added a smoother transition screen when loading into a video or cutscene, instead of just showing the operative. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/a65c70af1027202631df9d22270d8a366b72f32d.png[/img]