[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/af934785259816bd848b2e0adc19ef01d848fc1f.png[/img] [h1]Devoted Rejects,[/h1] Here are the patch notes for Hotfix #35, which is live on Steam and will shortly be live on our other platforms. [list][*]Fixed a crash that could occur when aiming the Psyker Blitzes “Brain Burst” or “Brain Rupture”.[/*][/list][b]Dev Note:[/b] [i]This is partially reverting a fix from 1.2.33 that was intended to fix a crash that occurred when aiming a Stimm at a teammate at the same time as aiming the Zealot Abilities “Chastise the Wicked” or “Fury of the Faithful”. This crash is fixed, but has the known issue of not being able to target enemies by aiming “Chastise the Wicked”/“Fury of the Faithful” at one while aiming a Stimm at a teammate.[/i] [list][*]Fixed a crash which could happen if every player left the Mourningstar during the mission voting phase.[/*][*]Fixed an issue where approaching wounded Poxwalker enemies would make their wounds visually disappear.[/*][*]Fixed an issue where facial hair was incorrectly displayed when wearing the Zealot “Incantata Mk IVa Obedience Helm” head gear cosmetic.[/*][*]Fixed typos in the descriptions of the “Bargus”, “Calumny Fall” cosmetic bundles and the “Shadow Sanctum Crusader Garb”, “Incantata Mk IVa Obedience Helm” cosmetics.[/*][/list]