[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/3735d9feae0ad7c2b7807e0e83135f4a6d715829.png[/img] [h1]Devoted Rejects,[/h1] Here are the patch notes for Hotfix #33, which is live on Steam and will shortly be live on our other platforms. [list][*]Fixed an issue where the amount of enemies spawning during missions was lower than intended.[/*][*]Fixed an issue where the Karnak Twins secret hard mode could fail to be triggered after resolving the puzzle.[/*][*]Fixed a crash which could happen after extracting a weapon Blessing in the Shrine of the Omnissiah under specific circumstances while using a controller.[/*][*]Fixed an issue where the pushback from enemy Shooters and Gunners was still applied when being hit while aiming down sights with specific weapons.[/*][/list][b]Dev note: [/b][i]Affected weapons were Lasguns, Laspistols, Boltgun, Plasma Gun, Kickback, Rumbler, Grenadier Gauntlet.[/i] [list][*]Fixed an issue where enemy Scab Snipers could still shoot through Veteran Smoke Grenades if they were fully inside the smoke cloud area.[/*][*]Fixed an issue where the Lucky Bullet effect from the Ogryn “Burst Limiter Override” keystone talent could still trigger when ammo was completely depleted.[/*][*]Fixed an issue where the Veteran “On Your Toes” talent replenished less Toughness than intended (10% instead of 20%).[/*][*]Fixed a crash which could happen when the game tried to remove a buff effect which didn’t exist anymore.[/*][*]Fixed an issue where the background for subtitles could fail to match the text when secondary subtitles were displayed.[/*][*]Fixed an issue where the buffs from the Zealot “Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude” and Veteran “Duty and Honour” talents would prevent non-melee health damage while active even when the player was at zero Toughness.[/*][*]Fixed a crash which could happen if a Veteran Smoke Grenade affected an enemy Scab or Dreg Flamer just as they were about to shoot.[/*][*]Fixed an issue where the transparency effect for the M3 Magnacore Mk II Plasma Gun coils was missing.[/*][*]Fixed clipping and deformation issues for the Ogryn “XXXL Chem-safe Rebreather” head cosmetic.[/*][*]Fixed an issue where the collar for Psyker upper body cosmetics could appear as deformed for female characters.[/*][*]Fixed an issue where the Ogryn “Grimmer’s Hood (Red Stinger Camo)” head cosmetic would clip with some necks.[/*][*]Fixed an issue where parts of the straps on the Ogryn “MKII Nog-Shield” head cosmetic would not display properly.[/*][/list]