[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/24ae66797a837f2c60ef93cd647e3916a0786432.png[/img] [h2]Devoted Rejects, [/h2] Here are the patch notes for hotfix 1.2.13, which just went live on Steam and it will shortly be live on our other platforms.  [list][*]Fixed an issue where the bonuses from the "Focus Target!" keystone talent could permanently affect an enemy if multiple Veterans tagged the same enemy. [/*][*]Fixed an uncommon server crash which could happen if multiple Veteran players applied the buff on a tag from the “Focus Target!” talent to the same enemy. [/*][*]Fixed an issue where the visual outline from the "Focus Target!" Veteran keystone talent was not removed correctly when the tagged enemy died. [/*][*]Fixed an issue where the reload animation was sometimes incorrectly shown after triggering an ammo refill with the Veteran "Always Prepared" keystone upgrade talent. [/*][*]Fixed an issue where the amount of bonus Ordo Dockets and Experience gained from Curios would be incorrectly calculated if a player died and was later rescued during the mission.   [/*][*]Fixed an issue where multiple talents in the Veteran tree were named “Always Prepared”. [/*][b]Dev note[/b]: [i]The “+25% Ammo” talent is now named “Fully Loaded”.[/i] [*] Fixed an issue where reloading the M35 Magnacore Mk II Plasma Gun during the venting portion of the reload using the Always Prepared keystone talent gave the player infinite auto-venting. [/list]