[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/63d8a9baacfe69796a60d4194e126a1ff08460bc.png[/img] [h2]Rejects[/h2] Here are the notes for Hotfix 1.1.3 which just went live on Steam and will be available shortly on the Microsoft Store! [list] [*] Fixed a crash that could occur when looking at the new penances. [*] Fixed an obstruction before the drop to the mid event in the Power Matrix HL-17-36 mission when playing with the Power Supply Interruption condition. [*] Fixed clipping issues for the “Desolation” Cap cosmetic in the “The Kalidar Wars” bundle. [*] Fixed an issue where “Invert Look Y-Axis” was not working as intended. [/list] [b]Mission Board Changes:[/b] [list] [*] The increased presence of Ascension Riser 31 on the Mission Board will end after deployment of the 1.1.3 Hotfix. [*] Power Matrix HL-17-36 is once again available to play on the Mission Board. [/list]