[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/cdf4737c0733c007c41934fe6007401ba6e91708.png[/img] [h1]Rejects! [/h1] Here are the notes for Hotfix 1.1.11 that just went live on Steam and will be out shortly on the Microsoft Store. [list] [*] Fixed a crash that could occur when using a Flamer with the Showstopper Blessing. [*] Fix for a crash that could occur when using Chastise the Wicked rapidly twice in a row. [*] Fix for the Elite Resistance Condition giving wrong rewards on some difficulties. [*] Fix for long load times for users with very large inventories. [*] Fix for valid set of Japanese characters not being approved during Fatshark Account renaming. [*] Fix for a crash that could occur when inspecting the Chem-Safe Rebreather with Goggles. [*] Fix for horde numbers being fewer than intended. [*] Fix for the item rating level numbers missing from the Armoury Exchange and Sire Melk's Requisitorium. [/list]