[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/6f51baf2049317b06dae5a5102b9680fc58100c1.png[/img][h1]Rejects,[/h1] Here are the notes for hotfix 1.0.41 which just went live on Steam and will be available shortly for the Microsoft Store. [list] [*] Fixed an issue with 4008 error code by reverting the changes to IPv6-only networks. [*] Fixed an issue with the Munitorum Mk VI Power Sword where the Weapon Special didn't deactivate when continuously landing successful heavy attacks. [*] Fixed an issue where Bleed stacks were not applying correctly from Veteran's 'Frag Storm' Feat. [*] Fixed a crash that could occur when attempting to play banter [/list]