[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/a3f266814eb03b488af8341904af65f65d2d91ed.png[/img] [h3]Rejects, [/h3] [b]Here are the notes for hotfix 1.0.31+ which just went live on the Microsoft Store and Steam.[/b] [list] [*] Fixed an issue that caused memory leaks when transitioning between hub and missions [*] Fixed an issue that caused memory leaks when transitioning between hub and missions (this specific fix went live on Steam yesterday and is included here for Microsoft Store). [*] Fixed crash on Microsoft Store related to fetching privileges, that had a chance to occur when entering a server with more users. [*] We will be resolving an issue where players found they had the ability to equip the Developer portrait frame for their characters. We hope you enjoyed being Fatshark developers for a day! The players who chose to equip the frame will see their equipped frame reset back to the default starting frame once they are removed. [*] Fixed issue with Zealot Preacher Feat “Bloodletting” not activating correctly. [/list]