[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/59e81fdb7d2f9d22ea0eac68bf623df544233962.png[/img][h3]Rejects, [/h3] This is Catfish, Darktide Community Manager, here with another comm-link update! We established these comm-links to answer some of the community’s questions and to give information about upcoming patches. Last week we saw the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1361210/view/3727330936525087954]Content Drop - Tools of War[/url] followed by [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1361210/view/3729583470738711741]Hotfix 1.0.41[/url], which contained new weapon marks, new condition combinations, and many balance tweaks. To give you a quick scope of what you can expect in the coming months: [i]Next week[/i], we’ll release a small patch focused primarily on weapon balancing. Then, towards the end of April, we will release a larger patch. In the first weeks of May, we will release a minor patch, after which you can expect a sizable patch alongside a content drop. I’ll be able to share more information on those in future comm-links! [b]Crucis Mk II Thunder Hammer [/b] We have seen your feedback regarding the Crucis Mk II Thunder Hammer changes in the last patch. In next week’s patch, we will tweak the self-stun duration from 1.1 seconds to 0.6 seconds and buff headshot damage. We will add more information in the patch notes, which will go live shortly after the patch. [b]Fire Frenzy Bug Fix[/b] In the upcoming patch, we will implement a fix for the bug with Tier 3 Fire Frenzy. We will also tweak the balance, so changing the power increase to 7.5%/10%/12.5%/15%. [b]Cosmetics Issues[/b] Currently, some head cosmetics completely hide your character's facial hair and hairstyle options. This is due to some issues around clipping and other texture bugs. We are currently working on a solution that will reduce the number of cases where we have to resort to this method, and you can expect it to come in with a patch in the near future.