[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/d3f50cb45ae33bfab01a8661f1e844c82c934671.png[/img] [h2]Rejects,[/h2] This is Catfish, Darktide Community Manager, here with another comm-link update. The comms team is back from its break and so are comm-links! Due to the summer hiatus, this edition will be shorter than usual. We will also have a slower pace of Comm-links for the foreseeable future, to make way for more varied types of comms, such as dev blogs. Here is what you can expect for the coming weeks on Darktide: [list] [*] On August 3rd, we will publish a Dev Blog focusing on upcoming changes in Patch #12 (1.1.20), giving you an in-depth look at our plans for account based currencies, perk refinements, adjustments to crafting locks and options on the mission board. [*] In the first half of August we will be releasing Patch #12 alongside its patchnotes. [/list] See you next week for the Dev Blog!