[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/b850c76d76dddb39105e0aa4b3fcd57d8178adda.png[/img] [h1]Rejects,[/h1] This is Catfish, Darktide Community Manager, here with another comm-link update! We established these comm-links to answer some of the community’s questions and to give information about upcoming patches. [i](For clarification, this Comm-link was posted on the 25th May on our [url=https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/community-comm-link-25th-may-2023/80002]forums[/url] - hence the incorrect date in the title and the graphics!)[/i] Our next update ‘Rejects Unite’ will feature both a patch and a content drop, which we will release during the Warhammer Skulls Event, stay tuned for the release date! Here is some of what you can expect from it: [b]Missions[/b] We will release 2 new missions - ‘Archivum Sycorax’ an Espionage mission located in Throneside, and ‘Ascension Riser 31’ a Strike mission in the Transit Hub. Here is how they will look in game: [b]Archivum Sycorax[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/d25472afe3a7b1507569822186d52851701251fd.png[/img][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/7abc77c5a869569135cb35c35d51bdceb765089a.png[/img] [b]Ascension Riser 31[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/b487359803d3ba1675a7ddddc31bc5114fdbdfd0.png[/img][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/d722fb99d998535dca07545e8bbb3a1d81da9c35.png[/img] Archivum Sycorax will be available to play once the patch is live and players will be able find it on the mission board. Our intentions are to increase the frequency of Archivum Sycorax appearing on the Mission Board during the first week of its launch across all difficulties. There are some restrictions at play that we are attempting to overcome. We will communicate in the patch notes if we are successful in executing this. If so, you can also expect the same behavior on the Mission Board for when Ascension Riser 31 is unlocked. Ascension Riser 31 will be unlocked as a reward for completing the Community Event. [b]Community Events[/b] Once the patch has been deployed we will also kick off our first of three Community Events in which the community will need to complete challenges in order to unlock rewards. You will be able to see any progress made towards each challenge on our website and on the Darktide Launcher, once a goal has been hit then the rewards will be available to all players! The first two rewards (a tattoo followed by a helmet) will be able to be redeemed through the Darktide Account Dashboard similar to the Warhammer Fest cosmetics. Ascension Riser 31 will be the reward for the third challenge, which will be to complete 1,400,000 missions. Playing on higher difficulties will help you reach the goal faster, with sedition providing a 1x bonus, Uprising 2x, Malice 3x, Heresy x4, and Damnation 5x to any points acquired. Once this goal has been reached the mission will be unlocked in game for all players. [b]Chaos Spawn[/b] We will be adding our fourth Monstrosity to the game, the Chaos Spawn - a frenzy Monstrosity. While it's not as tanky as the Plague Ogryn or the Beast of Nurgle, it has fast attacks and erratic behaviour combined with a grab attack that heals the Chaos Spawn if not interrupted. Changes from VT2 include a new leap attack to close distances faster, new combo animations to reinforce the erratic frenzy theme, tweaked existing attack animations to reduce some of the fast damage timings, and new grab animations to fit our Ogryns. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/d82055e59f9e3f4f3f6477307d4e27b4744610bc.png[/img] [b]Cosmetics[/b] As part of 'Rejects Unite' we have added a new in-game store, which will be known as the Commissary. Here you will be able to purchase earnable cosmetics with Ordo Dockets. The Commissary is based on the left hand side of the Mourningstar, where the Armoury Exchange was previously located. Alongside this the prices for the earnable cosmetics currently in game will change - there will be some increases and some decreases. Alongside this, Commodore's Vestures will release new items for sale shortly (potentially a few days after release) after the update. As before, these cosmetics will be on a rotational system and Commodore's Vestures will slowly shift to its intended cadence of being updated every two weeks on a Friday with 3 pages of items available for each class. The store will temporarily have 4 pages available for each class, until we rotate out the oldest set of items. As items do rotate out of the store, they will come back with new rotations over time as the store updates. Here's a couple of our favourites, with plenty more cosmetic options available for all classes! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/b4931ec780a7257213e683dbfae414fe65ec0d5f.png[/img] From left to right we have: [list] [*] Veteran wearing the Achlys Mk IIb Cyclops Helm, Armoured Combat Vest, LeatherTanker Togs and Mk IV Ahabian Prosthetic limb from Commodore's Vestures. [*] Ogryn wearing Knee-Smasher's Garb (XXXXL) from the Commissary [*] Zealot in Saintly Lazar's Vestments from the Commissary [*] Psyker wearing the "Penance" Redemptor's Veil, Black Medusa Psykana Collar (Morlox style regalia),"Penance" Psyker Trousers from Commodore's Vestures. [/list] We will also add a tiering system for cosmetic items to be able to show the difficulty of cosmetics earned by Penances, or reflective of the prices in the Commissary. These tiers will be: Profane (gray), Redeemed (green), Anointed (blue), Exalted (purple), and Transcendent (orange). This covers most of what will be included in ‘Rejects Unite’, but we will be sharing more information in the full notes on the day of the patch!