[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38365286/7f2165bf4fec423f5d0aa2641baca46dd6569a21.png[/img] [h1]Rejects,[/h1] This is Catfish, Darktide Community Manager, here with another comm-link update! We established these comm-links to answer some of the community’s questions and to give information about upcoming patches. [b]Patch #11: Cross-play, Blessing Balancing and New Condition[/b] Our next patch (1.1.10), which we will deploy at the end of June - early July, will include a few blessing balancing changes as well as a new condition dubbed “Elite Resistance” which will spawn fewer but tougher enemies. Throneside missions (Enclavum Baross & Comms Plex 154/2f) will also be affected by the Power Supply Interruption condition. In addition, we are preparing to roll out cross-play between the Microsoft Store and Steam, which should align with Patch #11’s release or shortly thereafter. We will be monitoring closely how cross-play fares in stability and performance. Should there be any issues, our team will stay on top of things and chart a path to ensure a smoother experience. Most importantly, as part of this, all players may be required to rename their account. A full FAQ for cross-play will be added to the Fatshark Website, Forums and the Darktide Discord, but here are some answers to some preliminary questions you may have: [list] [*] [b]Steam:[/b] Players can matchmake, add friends, and join players from Steam and the Microsoft Store, in our Cross-Network Servers. Players cannot opt out of cross-play. [*] [b]MS Store[/b]: Players can matchmake, add friends, and join players from Steam and the Microsoft Store, in our Cross-Network Servers. Players can opt out of cross-play through their Microsoft account settings. [*] [b]Cross Progression:[/b] Players can NOT currently move their progress from one platform to another. [*][b] Cross Commerce:[/b] Players can NOT move their DLCs (such as Imperial Edition) from one platform to another. [*] [b]Cross VC:[/b] Players can NOT currently move their Aquilas from one platform to another. [/list] [b]Community Feedback [/b] The team continues to review some of the top issues (areas of feedback) that we see. Most notably, the desire for more agency in things like account based currencies, perk refinements, adjustments to crafting locks and options on the mission board. We are not ready to announce anything concrete yet, but stay tuned. We will share more details on our next steps during summer. What is important to know is that any upcoming changes aren't the end of the journey in those areas, rather the beginning as we continue to evolve Darktide. [b]Xbox[/b] We know it’s been a while since we have spoken about our Xbox release - we are still working on this and really excited about launching on Xbox!! Stay tuned for more information on a release date. That is it for this week, we will have more information to share about Patch #11 when we will get closer to its deployment. Worth noting, the cadence of the commlinks will change due to Swedish vacations. We will keep informing you about Patch #11 before taking a small break until the second half of July. We wish you all a happy summer (in the Hive city)!