
Forges of Corruption's gothic industrial environments are dripping in the same grimdark atmosphere from the base game, but more focused, honed—the descent into the heart of Graia's beating daemonic forge-heart is easily the apex of Boltgun's crunchy pixel presentation. The Dark Mechanicum is some of the coolest stuff in the Warhammer universe, and while Forges of Corruption doesn't reach the stomach-churning heights of the Xana II Incursion from the old Horus Heresy books, it's still a fantastic take on the subject. Outside of a few moments where the forge does become truly hellish, the daemonic heavy industry of the Chaos Gods is not altogether very different from the meat grinding slavery employed by the Imperium of Man, and Forges of Corruption's new environments really succeed in conveying that dualism... Read more.