Wukong’s fabled rework is out now on PC! Utilizing years of Tenno feedback, we’ve updated Wukong’s stats and abilities to make him more relevant to Warframe in 2019. Read on to learn the scope of the changes, which includes a preview of our upcoming Melee 3.0 Simplified Combo System changes in his Primal Fury ability! [h1]Stat Changes[/h1] [list] [*] Health increased from 100 to 150 (at max rank increased from 300 to 450). [*] Energy increased from 100 to 120 (at max rank 150 to 180). [*] Shield decreased from 125 to 100 (at max rank decreased from 375 to 300). - Why? Since Wukong’s new kit now involves an armor buff, relying more on his health will enable a better synergy. [*] Sprint increased from .95 to 1.0. [/list] [h1]Ability One: Celestial Twin[/h1] Replacing Iron Jab, Celestial Twin summons a Wukong clone to aid you in battle. [list] [*] Wukong’s clone attacks from range while Wukong uses melee and vice versa, making his clone the ultimate back-up buddy in combat. [*] Press the ability again to command Wukong’s clone to attack a specific target with increased damage. [*] Wukong’s clone will remain until it runs out of life. [/list] [i]Reasons for changes:[/i] Iron Jab was replaced as it essentially exists as a weaker version of other powers. Wukong’s Ultimate can fulfill and surpass the role of Iron Jab, while fulfilling more of Wukong’s lore and creating a more powerful, synergized kit. [h1]Ability Two: Cloud Walker[/h1] Faster, cheaper and stealthier than its previous form. [list] [*] Wukong evaporates into a fast-moving cloud of mist that will temporarily daze and paralyze enemies in his path. While in his cloud of mist, Cloud Walker has the additional mechanic of healing Wukong and his clone. [*] His movement can be interrupted by attacking at any time. [*] Cloud Walker has a much faster cast time, which will no longer hold Wukong in place. [*] Wukong will no longer trigger laser traps or doors while using Cloud Walker. [*] Energy cost for Cloud Walker has been lowered. [/list] [i]Reasons for changes:[/i] Previously, Cloud Walker did not have many use cases as it was a slower and lesser stealth option than that of other frames. These changes make the Ability good for repositioning, more well-rounded - and WAY faster. [h1]Ability Three: Defy[/h1] Achieve invulnerability through active, rather than passive, means. [list] [*] Defy will now taunt enemies while Wukong and his clone gain temporary invulnerability with reduced movement speed. All damage is captured, stored and dealt back in a single furious long-range staff spin attack. [*] Based on the amount of damage prevented by Defy, Wukong and his clone will receive a temporary armor buff. [*] Press the ability again to trigger spin early. [/list] [i]Reasons for changes:[/i] Previously, Defy’s invulnerability was not very interactive. This change features invulnerability while encouraging more tactical, active and interesting gameplay techniques. As many of us used Defy to be immortal, it simply was too much of a set-it-and-forget it ability. Changing it to still offer invulnerability is important to us, and strengthening the rest of his Abilities makes up for the loss of complete god mode. [h1]Ability Four: Primal Fury[/h1] Utilize the upcoming Melee 3.0 changes with Wukong’s legendary Staff. [list] [*] Primal Fury will feature a new specialized and streamlined combo for Wukong’s Iron Staff. As a preview of the upcoming Melee 3.0 system, Wukong’s Primal Fury uses new combo routes with simplified inputs providing a safe, limited space to try out coming releases. [*] Damage for Wukong and his clone is redistributed for a more powerful feel, with a much higher status chance, larger base range and some slash. [*] Casting no longer holds Wukong in place. With new energy requirements, the cast cost of Primal Fury was lowered but cast drain was increased to be turned off and on as desired. [*] Animation has been trimmed. [*] The range of Wukong’s Iron Staff is always long, comparable to top range Zaws, and no longer needs to build combo to scale range. [/list] [i]Reasons for changes:[/i] When Primal Fury was initially used previously, it felt weak due to short range and after some use felt strong. These changes will enable a stronger, more exciting play while featuring a taste of the upcoming Melee 3.0 system. Visit the [url=https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1102598-dev-workshop-revisiting-wukong/]forum post[/url] to learn more about Wukong’s rework, including his new Passive, Augment changes and more!