[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/4437469/b61ee493e94fca6e09aa82a6625aeb9ea57a534d.jpg[/img] [b]Who:[/b] Rebecca is joined by the usual suspects Geoff, Steve, Sheldon, and Scott! [b]What:[/b] It’s our fifth anniversary of Devstreams, almost to the day! Since our Devstreams often deliver work in progress content, there’s many things that haven’t seen a release! You see our ideas sometimes the same week we come up with them, so let’s take some time this Devstream to give status Updates on “the-many-things-that-we’ve-shown-but-not-released (TMTTWSBNR for short)". Take a seat at the meeting-room table, hear some updates, and perhaps get a glimpse at the very certain future of Venus! [b]Prizes?[/b] Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes and during the Livestream as well as a Mirage Prime Access and Warframe Prime Vaults! [b]Where:[/b] Find us at: twitch.tv/warframe [b]When:[/b] Today, February 23rd at 2 p.m. ET! You won’t want to miss it!