Tenno, With the amazing giant that is TennoGen Round 11 behind us, we are so excited to start looking at creations for the next round! That means it’s time for an official deadline: [b][u]March 19th at 12 PM EST![/u][/b] Some quick tips for those of you who have pieces already submitted or who are looking to upload a creation for Round 12: [list] [*]Please make sure to include a tint breakdown. Here’s an example. [*]Have at least one well-lit screenshot on a 50% grey background and uncoloured lighting. [*]For [b]Skins and Syandanas[/b], make sure the colouring in your screenshots matches the colouring in the files you uploaded. [*]For [b]Warframe Alt-Helmets[/b], please be sure to match the base colours of the Warframe in your files and in one of the screenshots! [*]Make sure your screenshots are all up to date! If you have comparison shots for previous versions, please indicate which screenshots are of the current iteration -- aka the ones we should be evaluating! [*]Double check your tri counts to ensure they don’t go over: http://www.warframe.com/steamworkshop/help/index.php?page=technical-specifications [*]Finally, provide both back, front and side views of your creation so we can see the whole picture.[/list] These requests help both us as Devs and the community better judge and appreciate your pieces. Presentation is everything! Giving us as much information about your creation and how it will perform in-game helps us review it, but also identify potential issues more easily that we can let you know to fix. Best of luck to all our creators! <3