Hi everyone! We're hot on the heels of Round 10, but our love for TennoGen can never be stopped! So we're starting the next round already, the deadline for which is [b]November 8 at 12 pm EST[/b]. Any submissions received after 12pm EST that day will not be considered, so please make sure to check your timezones: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ Those of who you submitted creations for Round 10, your pieces will still be considered for this round. We will be looking at all submissions received or updated* after June 20th, so don't worry about missing your chance if your Skin/Syandana/Helmet didn't make it in last time. If you have any questions about whether or not your piece falls within this window, please feel free to contact me. Best of luck, Tenno! We can't wait to see what amazing creations you all have in store. === *So long as the Posted or Updated dates of your creation are after June 20, they will be considered. You can check the dates for yourself on the Workshop entry: [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/4437469/39bfe35732524dbcb70020aab2049fb5f4b23726.jpg[/img]