Hi TennoGen artists and lovers! I’m here to share some news about how TennoGen rounds are going to be judged moving forward: in short, [b]we are removing Round deadlines and will be reviewing submissions on a frequent internal schedule. [/b] Previously, we would announce a deadline for TennoGen Round submissions, and consider all creations submitted before that date for the next TennoGen Round. As years passed, the time between these deadlines increased and the size of the Rounds grew and grew. This evolution had an undesirable impact on both our internal team and the artists themselves. The bigger the Round, the longer it takes to release, and the longer artists wait to see a return on their work, only for it to possibly be missed by the community amongst the 20+ other amazing items in the Round. Those of us who work on the TennoGen team have been exploring ways to improve this process, and we’ve decided to remove Round deadlines altogether. Now, submissions will be reviewed on a frequent internal schedule to ensure a faster turnaround of feedback and acceptance. The goal of this change is to reduce the timeline between submission, feedback, acceptance, and finally integration into the game. Additionally, there were concerns of artists feeling the need to rush or engage in unhealthy practices to meet deadlines, and the removal of deadlines should remove that pressure. Now artists should be able to submit when they feel they are ready, and hopefully receive feedback or an acceptance notice while the community is still hyped about their creation! Our first submission review happened quietly in late September, and we are confident in the results to move forward with this announcement and our first wave of feedback. This system may see further iteration to best serve our team and the artists, so should there be any substantial changes that impact the community’s end, we’ll keep you all updated. [b]How will items be released now?[/b] Our intention is to keep the TennoGen Round structure, so the next batch of items will be Round 23. Instead of being decided at a certain deadline, it’ll be a combination of items that we accept over time and released when it fits our development schedule. [b]Will you wait for the same sized rounds as previously done?[/b] No! We are doing away with 20+ item rounds. This program change also comes with [u]a big reduction in Round size[/u] to allow for faster releases, to increase flexibility on the Dev side, and to help us shine a better spotlight on the amazing creations from the TennoGen artists. That spotlight on the smaller list of items is going to mean a lot more individual attention for each item, and create more frequent, simpler, better represented pools of choice for the buyer. [b]Will you still be sending feedback?[/b] Absolutely! We will still be sending out feedback to items that we think are acceptance-worthy. If you do not receive feedback on your item but you feel you’d like extra guidance, you are welcome to reach out to us and we will offer what insight we can. [b]How often will you be reviewing items?[/b] Our current goal is to aim for a full review of new submissions every one to two months. We’re not going to go into detail on specific dates because this window will be variable, but our hope is that if you submit an item, we’ll consider it for acceptance in the next month or two. If you have any further questions about this change, please feel free to use the thread below!