Hi TennoGen artists! With Gara Prime and the Gara Kaleida skin, you may have noticed an upgraded glass effect that is far more luminous than the original Gara's glass. In the spirit of sharing knowledge and best practices, we've put together a guide on how TennoGen artists can achieve this new luminous glass effect for their own future creations! You can read our simple, step by step explainer on how to recreate the latest glass effect [url=https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/discussions/18446744073709551615/3083257111908701691/?appid=230410]right here[/url] [img]https://i.imgur.com/8Dp4Vxt.png[/img] Please note that there are no expectations or plans for the new effect to retroactively apply to existing in-game items. This guide is for TennoGen artists who want references on making new glass creations. [b]We hope to this new workflow suggestion inspires your future creations! [/b]