We are amazed by the support and generosity shown by every Tenno, creator, and streamer who, for the second year in a row, lifted together in the 2021 Quest to Conquer Cancer! As a community, you reached all of our fundraising goals, raising [b]over $115,000 CAD[/b] in Donor Drive donations alone! But that’s not all, Tenno: the net proceeds from the sale of all Conquera charity merchandise items including Floofs, pins and t-shirts generated [b]$29,771.90 CAD[/b] which Digital Extremes donated directly through Donor Drive on purchasers’ behalf. On top of this, to say thank you for all of your kindness, Digital Extremes has made its own separate donation of [b]$30,000 CAD[/b] to the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. This year, there are a ton of Quest-themed items to redeem in-game that you won’t want to miss! To redeem Conquera Glyph I and II designed by dull-ahan, enter code “[b]QTCC[/b]” in the in-game Market or [url=warframe.com/promocode]warframe.com/promocode[/url] — you can also unlock Conquera Glyph III and a free Glyph Display by inputting “[b]QTCC2[/b]”. The Conquera Orbiter Decoration, Conquera Ribbon Chest Armor, and Conquera Ephemera have been delivered to in-game inboxes! Please note that you must log in before December 31, 2021 to claim these items! Beginning November 5th at 2 p.m. ET, a 3x Built Forma Alert and a 1X Built Umbra Forma Alert, will go live on all platforms until November 15th at 2 p.m. ET. A 3-Day Affinity Booster Weekend is also coming to Warframe starting November 5th at 2 p.m. ET until November 8th at 2 p.m. ET. As if that’s not enough, a 3 Day Resource Booster Weekend will arrive in the inboxes of all players on all platforms the first time they log into Warframe after November 1st, 2021. Your support also allowed us to pull back the curtain on The New War and reveal three pieces of concept art by Marco Hasmann. Click [url=https://digitalextremesltd.app.box.com/s/d1isvbul4w2hubkp2mwnbeo0cuo3kmod]here[/url] for downloadable versions you can use as backgrounds! [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FA9hrMdVQAY4HqV?format=jpg&name=large[/img] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FBicDdRXEAIkTQB?format=jpg&name=large[/img] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FCT7q2yWUAUYst9?format=jpg&name=large[/img] Although Digital Extremes’ and Warframe’s 2021 Quest has wrapped up, The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation and millions around the world continue to battle cancer every day. Those who are interested can learn more about and continue to support the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation [url=https://thepmcf.ca/]here.[/url] The Quest to Conquer Cancer Donor Drive site remains open for anyone wishing to donate, be it through [url=https://questtoconquercancer.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.team&teamID=5042]Digital Extremes’ team page[/url] or the streamer of their choice’s page. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your incredible support, Tenno!