Hi Tenno, For those of you who use controllers on the Steam client for Warframe, we are aware of some issues relating to controller inputs. With Echoes of Duviri’s launch, we did post a clarification on how to fix lost controller support for those experiencing it, found here: [url=https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1361266-lost-controller-support-on-pc/#comment-12839111 ]https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1361266-lost-controller-support-on-pc/#comment-12839111 [/url]. For ease of reference, the comment reads: [quote=DEGlen][W]e just updated the Recommended Official Layouts (we couldn't do this until we'd released the update and there was some difficulty getting them ported over from our Test cluster). If you're using Steam Input for Warframe (ie: for a PS4 or Steam Controller that doesn't work with the native XInput) restart Steam to refresh the list, edit your Warframe Controller settings in steam, select a layout, and you should see an updated recommended layouts for Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, Steam, and Steam Deck controllers now: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4437469/e04d53a2ebe44c895fcc2f88bbd3601beb16fdb5.png[/img] [/quote] [b]Further Issues Following Each Update:[/b] If you are seeing [b]custom controls being reset with our hotfixes[/b], this is due to us publishing fixes for SteamInput, which invalidates custom layouts. We have been actively working on SteamInput (and by extension, SteamDeck) changes but excluded them from our patch notes until we had more news about the status on ongoing issues for our SteamDeck players* -- with that said, we understand that this decision may have led to even more player confusion. To recap the fixes done to the SteamInput system over the past week: [i]Echoes of Duviri: Hotfix 33.6.1[/i] [list] [*] Fixed Archwing blink when using Steam Input. [/list] [i]Echoes of Duviri: Hotfix 33.6.3[/i] [list] [*] Fixed Shawzin inputs not functioning properly with Steam Input. [/list] As for [b]further Steam Input fixes[/b], we usually like to get you fixes ASAP however, because of the way Steam Input works, almost every fix we make will invalidate all customized layouts. [b]As a result, we're trying to bundle up as many fixes as possible before sending out another update.[/b] [i]* For our SteamDeck players, we are actively working with Valve to resolve various issues. Once we are closer to a resolution on these, we will post a separate PSA pertaining to that situation. Thank you for your patience on this matter! [/i]