Hi Tenno, Have you seen the news? Gara Prime Access is releasing on [b]May 25[/b] on all platforms! Our gilded glass hero is nearly here. However - PC Tenno will notice [b]their download size is 2.2 GB[/b]. There are a few reasons why. First, for PC Tenno, it’s a Mainline. If you don’t know what that means, it’s when we deploy all pending changes to the game in a big batch. Second, it’s jammed with Quality-of-Life. This post is a preview of what you can expect -[b] these are highlights, and only a fraction of the Update notes that await you next week. [/b] As a bonus, this video is for folks who prefer a short overview. [previewyoutube=kLtLRO4SCgI;full][/previewyoutube] [b]QOL Area 1: Railjack[/b] We have a batch of Quality of Life improvements to Railjack coming, with particular attention to Command and Mission Abort this round! Railjack Changes & Fixes: [list] [*]Command Intrinsic Crew Changes & Fixes: [i]The following changes are a prelude to the release of the Rank 10 Command Intrinsic coming in the Sisters of Parvos Update! [/i] [list] [*]Crew piloting Railjack will now fly to attack the weak-point marker at the end of Railjack Volatile missions. [/list] [list] [*]Added a ‘Contracts’ tab to Ticker's ‘Hire Railjack Crew Members’ in Fortuna. [list] [*]You can also end Contracts with the Crew Members that are not equipped from here. [/list][list] [*]This has been highly requested so that you can review your current Crew Hires while perusing potential Hires. This will help you to see what positions you have to fill or who might have to be replaced (get the boot!). [/list] [/list] [list] [*]Converted Kuva Liches can now be used as ‘On Call’ Crewmates. [/list] [list] [*]Crew Competencies are now visible in the Tactical Map when hovering over Crew members. [list] [*]This was highly requested to help make an informed decision when swapping Crew roles in the heat of battle. [url=https://n9e5v4d8.ssl.hwcdn.net/uploads/ec0b04b8fc01c253fca5b0c9a3aedfd7.jpg][img]https://n9e5v4d8.ssl.hwcdn.net/uploads/ec0b04b8fc01c253fca5b0c9a3aedfd7.jpg[/img][/url] [/list] [/list] [list] [*]Crew Piloting the Railjack will now hold position when you are either in the Archwing Slingshot or using the Forward Artillery. [/list] [list] [*]Improved the ‘Abort’ Railjack mission flow by changing and fixing the following: These changes come after reviewing why Clients in Railjack missions would often find themselves feeling unable to leave after mission completion in public squads. We determined that the language used in these scenarios was unclear/confusing and that there were several other issues related to how rewards were shown in the UI and saved to inventory that we have resolved below! [/list] [list] [*]‘Abort Mission’ will now update to ‘Leave Mission’ in the pause menu after successfully completing a Railjack mission. [list] [*]It will also prompt a new message that better describes what will occur: “Leave Mission: You will keep mission rewards and XP earned to this point, but will disconnect from your squad. Are you sure you want to leave this mission?” vs. the previous “Abort Mission: You will keep progress but forfeit the completion rewards and bonuses. Are you sure you want to abort this mission?” [/list] [/list] [list] [*]Fixed Clients not being able to ‘Abort’ Mission and retain their rewards once the mission objective has been completed. [/list] [list] [*]Fixed the End of Mission screen not showing the full collection of rewards earned in the mission when returning to the Orbiter. [/list] [list] [*]Fixed ‘Aborting’ Railjack Mission not awarding items earned from POIs. [/list][/list] [b]QOL Area 2: UI[/b] We are doing update passes on some of the social aspects of Warframe, with particular attention paid to screen reworks for Friends and Clans this time around! Multiple screens have been refreshed with a new look and certain new functionalities! All of the screens listed below also now all take on your chosen UI theme. [list] [*]‘Junction Tasks’ Screen Changes: [list] [*]Rewards will now automatically scroll across the screen to give you a full preview of what will be earned on successful Junction completion. [/list] [list] [*]Each task now has a descriptive blurb to help direct you on how to get started on the task. [url=https://n9e5v4d8.ssl.hwcdn.net/uploads/a437306216cc63b81a701d6761f7b0a8.jpg][img]https://n9e5v4d8.ssl.hwcdn.net/uploads/a437306216cc63b81a701d6761f7b0a8.jpg[/img][/url] [/list][/list] [list] [*]‘Clan’ Screen Changes: [list] [*]Everything is now more neatly displayed on a single screen. Previously tucked away features such as ‘Edit Hierarchies’, ‘View Alliance’, ‘Invite Member’, and ‘Message of the Day’ are now immediately visible and accessible. [/list] [list] [*]In addition to your MOTD, you can now also have a much longer Clan and Alliance message displayed below! All display on the right hand side of the Clan screen in the ‘News’ Tab. The option to edit the MOTD and message below is available in this window for those with permissions to do so. [/list] [list] [*]Added more Clan information to the screen: [list] [*]Added the total number of Clan members to the screen. [/list][list] [*]Added the ‘Founding Warlord’ to the screen. [/list] [/list][/list][list] [*]The Alliance Screen has also been reskinned: [list] [*]Added the total number of Members to the screen (in addition to the previously live ‘Allies’ count). [url=https://n9e5v4d8.ssl.hwcdn.net/uploads/2d11f39a640e1a39b00bf7e8e63351b8.jpg][img]https://n9e5v4d8.ssl.hwcdn.net/uploads/2d11f39a640e1a39b00bf7e8e63351b8.jpg[/img][/url] [/list][/list] [list] [*]‘Friends’ Screen Changes: [list] [*]Everything is now more neatly displayed in a single screen. Previously tucked away features such as ‘Recent Players’, ‘Available Sessions’, and ‘Batch Remove’ are now immediately visible and accessible. [/list][list] [*]Added ‘Recruit Tenno’ option - This will take you directly to the ‘Refer a Friend’ page on the Warframe website to recruit your pals and earn rewards for doing so. [url=https://n9e5v4d8.ssl.hwcdn.net/uploads/eb7d5f349166bbfa63867df6ad8bbdd4.jpg][img]https://n9e5v4d8.ssl.hwcdn.net/uploads/eb7d5f349166bbfa63867df6ad8bbdd4.jpg[/img][/url] [/list][/list][/list] [b]QOL Area 3: New Player Experience[/b] We are chipping away at the friction in our New Player Experience, as many of us have started new accounts ourselves to cross-reference with player feedback we receive! We have a batch of improvements coming next week. [list] [*]The Limbo Theorem and Hidden Messages Quests no longer require you to finish crafting the Warframe components to move onto the next stage of the Quest. Simply earning the Blueprint is now enough to progress. [/list] [list] [*]Junctions now award Credits upon completion! [list] [*]A script will be run to give Credits to players who have already completed the following Junctions: [list] [*]Earth to Venus: 5,000 [/list] [list] [*]Venus to Mercury: 10,000 [/list] [list] [*]Earth to Mars: 15,000 [/list] [list] [*]Mars to Ceres: 20,000 [/list] [list] [*]Mars to Phobos: 20,000 [/list] [list] [*]Ceres to Jupiter: 30,000 [/list] [list] [*]Jupiter to Europa: 40,000 [/list] [list] [*]Jupiter to Saturn: 40,000 [/list] [list] [*]Saturn to Uranus: 60,000 [/list] [list] [*]Uranus to Neptune: 80,000 [/list] [list] [*]Neptune to Pluto: 80,000 [/list] [list] [*]Pluto to Eris: 100,000 [/list] [list] [*]Pluto to Sedna: 100,000 [/list][/list][/list] And because we need to remind everyone… “To be Continued…” [url=https://content.invisioncic.com/Mwarframe/monthly_2021_05/ToBeContinued.thumb.jpg.8b064f439d127f74190b276efca6afb6.jpg][img]https://content.invisioncic.com/Mwarframe/monthly_2021_05/ToBeContinued.thumb.jpg.8b064f439d127f74190b276efca6afb6.jpg[/img][/url] The New War in the Codex will make more sense in the interim. We have a story to tell, Tenno. Thank you all - see you next week!