Hey guys, There was [url=https://jeuxmadeinfrance.fr/fr]Games Made In France 2020[/url] this week-end, an online event introducing and highlighting French video games. Famous streamers like Mistermv, Maghla, Atomium and Damdamlive provided the entertainment! And off course, Warchief was here last Friday with Mistermv and Maghla. Guillaume Faia, the game developer, was here too for the occasion. The joy of seeing this project become concrete was clearly visible on his face! [h2]The program included:[/h2] [list] [*]A first versus between the 2 streamers, allowing to explain pedagogically the game ; [*]A second versus, a real fight, godless and lawless, where the winner receives a big reward! [/list] We won't spoil the winner, so check out the [b][url=https://www.twitch.tv/videos/786392560?t=09h57m42s]REPLAY[/url][/b]! [olist] [*][b][url=https://discord.gg/u9WMxck]Join the Warchief Discord[/url][/b] [*][b][url=https://warchief.net/]Sign up to the beta[/url][/b] [/olist]