Hello everyone, this is the XUWULE production team. We just released a demo of the Lily game "Perfect Lover~Fragile Love". The trial version of the game only has the first chapter, which is about 15% -20% of the complete content. In order to improve the quality of the official version, the production team would like to know a few questions and gather feedback from players here! 1. How long is your game duration? 2. Do you think the design of right clicking to pop up a circular menu is convenient, and do you think it is necessary to add extra buttons. 3. Do you find it inconvenient to switch between images now? 4. At present, there are relatively few CG in the trial version, but the official version will increase. Where do you think you want to add CG? If you have any other ideas and suggestions, please feel free to submit them in the comments section, or join the group 806366756 to discuss together. The production team will prepare small rewards for those positive and beneficial comments and suggestions! Finally, thank you for your trial and participation. The production team will actively listen to player suggestions and make modifications, striving to bring a more perfect experience to everyone when the official version is released in August!