Post-Patch Hotfix #2
Author: Niko,
published 11 months ago,
Hello everyone!
Hotfix update addressing several issues. The current version of the game has been updated to 13361.
Thank you all for the feedback and help in finding bugs.
—Some localization and item description fixes (organic, water, adding food to the diner).
— Worker assignment and corresponding perks of the Recycler were not functioning (now the Recycler has three perks available: 1. Chance to get an additional piece when breaking lumps; 2. Reduction in recycling time; 3. Additional reduction in recycling time and chance to get an extra item). Note that in the current implementation, the timer shows the final time after the start of recycling; in the future, we will make the timer show the final time with perk buffs immediately.
— Non-host players (clients) didn't see changes in the HP regeneration parameter during the game - fixed.
— Some states of workstations were working incorrectly for non-host player/client - fixed.
— Lootcatchers could slide off their positions and hang in the air; Lootcatchers could have an incorrect position when a client connects; Lootcatchers could display their state incorrectly and disappear - fixed.
— Placeholder perks with incorrect data were displayed in the engine, although there should be no engine perks at all - fixed.
— Removing Rofleemo from the train, if it was assigned to the turret, was happening incorrectly - fixed.